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LISTEN TO YOUR COLON: The Complete Natural Healing Guide For Constipation - by Jini Patel Thompson

Rs. 900.00

Colon and bowel expert Jini Patel Thompson shares her innovative and effective natural remedies for constipation, and for the troublesome conditions that often accompany constipation, such as hemorrhoids, rectal or anal stricture, or rectal and anal fissures.

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Two Free Healing Tools +

When you purchase either the eBook or Softcover book, you will also receive these 2 free bonuses to fast-track your healing:

Teleseminar on Mind/Body Healing with international bestselling author, Dr. Gabor Mate, MD (author of When The Body Says No)
Learn how your autonomic nervous system controls your internal anal sphincter muscle – if it won't open, you can't have a bowel movement! And also learn what you can do to access this mechanism and get it functioning normally. You will receive both the mp3 audio recording and the written pdf transcript of this amazing call.

Interview with Probiotics Expert Natasha Trenev
Getting your gut flora healthy is a major component of the long-term healing of constipation. Without a healthy bacterial flora throughout your gastrointestinal tract, you cannot digest your food properly, absorb nutrients, nor excrete properly. If you've ever been on antibiotics, had food poisoning or traveller's diarrhea, or taken a medication that causes constipation, this is information that will transform your health. Again, you will receive both the mp3 audio and the written pdf transcript of this interview.

Feedback for Listen To Your Colon +

"I did the recommended treatment for the constipation as given in Listen To Your Colon and I have been going everyday since. I am very happy with the recommendations from the book and plan to do another probiotic retention enema when I get the rectum healed."
Laurinda K., Illinois
"As I had problems with constipation, my stools were often bloody. Then I ordered your book and started taking vitamin C, Omega-3 oil, MucosaHeal and probiotics. This book is full of useful information one can find nowhere else. I have to admit I did not expect such a complete healing program. I am really happy to be healthy again. What I find as most important is the fact that in case the symptoms reappear I know exactly what to do."
Maria N., South Carolina
"Eleven days after beginning I had my first ‘natural’ bowel movement in more than a year (I have been doing 1 litre warm water enemas for the last couple of years). I am very grateful to your book and will continue with the probiotics and the Magnesium/Potassium. Thank you for your help.
 Kerrie L., New South Wales
"Hi Jini and thank you for this amazing book!  It has really helped me. I did the oil of oregano for about a month along with the probiotics. After the 1st month things started to really improve for me and now I'm going everyday. I'm still taking the probiotics and probably will stay on them for at least another month or so.  Your book has been a big help.  Peace be with you and your family.  May you be truly blessed!
Lance C., Ontario

Jini’s emphasis is on natural, holistic healing to address the root cause of a symptom, rather than merely suppressing it. The goal of holistic healing is not to take herbal supplements to suppress your symptoms (the same way drugs do), but rather to heal the imbalance or dis-ease in your body that is causing the constipation.

Were you aware that long-term laxative use trains your colon’s peristaltic mechanism (rhythmic contractions of the intestinal wall) to switch off, and can also damage bowel nerves, muscle and tissues?  Or that, if medication is contributing to your constipation problem, fiber supplements may actually make the problem worse, rather than helping?

Did you know there are actually two different types of constipation - peristaltic and stenosis - and that the best constipation treatment for you depends upon which type of constipation you have?

This innovative and informative book helps you identify the components and causes behind your constipation (medications, dehydration, poor diet, stress, anal stenosis, trauma, mineral and nutrient deficiency, unhealthy gut flora, poor bowel habits, lack of peristaltic muscle tone etc.), and then shows you exactly what to do to balance and heal your unique body. 

Here are just some of the natural treatments detailed in this book:

  • Herbal colon cleansing
  • Enema colon flushing
  • Therapeutic probiotics and Probiotic Retention Enema
  • Wild oregano oil to clear parasites, yeast, fungus, etc.
  • Spastic Colon Factors and Treatment
  • Magnesium/Potassium to relax the anal sphincter muscles
  • Colonic massage to help your colon have a bowel movement (by assisting peristalsis)
  • Herb & fiber mixture to soften and bulk stools
  • Tried-and-tested natural remedies for anal fissures or hemorrhoids
  • The mind/body connection with constipation; how your stress and emotions influence biochemical responses in your gut that can slow down (or speed up) gut motility and peristalsis (the rhythmic, muscular contractions of your intestines)
  • Dietary Guidelines - using food to prevent constipation and keep your bowel healthy

If you've been suffering from daily discomfort due to constipation, it's understandable that you're in a hurry to have it go away - and the sooner, the better! And that's what Listen To Your Colon shows you how to do. Not only will you get quick relief, but you can also heal the long-term, underlying causes of your constipation.  

Jini also shows parents how to adapt her natural healing remedies and treatments for children with constipation. As well, Listen To Your Colon contains a chapter with help for those with spastic colon – a random mix of constipation, diarrhea and spasming.

In this important book, digestive disease expert Jini Patel Thompson gives you tested, successful remedies for both short-term relief (when ya gotta go!) and the long-term resolution of chronic constipation. Even if you've been living with constipation for what seems like forever, it is certainly possible to heal it, and Listen To Your Colon can show you how.

Also available on Amazon Kindle - $9.95

Keep reading for a full description of what's in each chapter...

DISCLAIMER: Jini Patel Thompson is a health writer and consumer advocate. She is not a registered health professional nor doctor of any sort. The information in this eBook or on this web page is simply her own personal opinion. This eBook and website (including any/all site pages, blog posts, blog comments, forum, videos, audio recordings, etc.) is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information is provided for informational purposed only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use the information in this eBook or on this website for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have an urgent medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. Any application of the recommendations in this eBook or on this website is at the reader's discretion. Jini Patel Thompson and Listen To Your Gut Enterprises Inc. are not liable for any direct or indirect claim, loss or damage resulting from use of this eBook or website and/or any web site(s) linked to/from it. Readers should consult their own physicians concerning the recommendations in this website.

Table of Contents

Chapter One - Your Journey to Health

The first chapter of Listen to Your Colon teaches you how to use herbal supplements as part of a holistic healing journey, addressing the root cause of a symptom rather than suppressing it. You’ll learn how to introduce supplements, and how to make sure your supplements meet the claims made on their label (up to 80% of them don’t). This chapter also offers valuable information on what to do if you’re not seeing the desired results.

Chapter Two - Constipation Factors and Treatment

This chapter will help you determine the cause or causes of your constipation, and what type of constipation you suffer from (peristaltic or stenosis). Jini underlines the importance of identifying and reducing stress to treat constipation, and teaches you how to use the mind/body connection to communicate with your colon in order to “negotiate” changes in your bowel habits. This chapter introduces several effective constipation treatments, including wild oregano oil, colonic massage, enemas, probiotics, and natural substances like psyllium, magnesium and potassium. Jini also explains how to treat hemorrhoids, strictures and fissures, and how to adapt all of these protocols to treat children.

Chapter Three - Spastic Colon Factors and Treatment

Spastic colon is when your colon suffers from random attacks of diarrhea, constipation and spasming. This chapter examines the cause(s) of spastic colon, and introduces a number of effective natural treatments for adults and children, depending on your age and your symptoms. These treatments include colonic massage, stress reduction, and supplements like probiotics, psyllium seed, bentonite clay, and peppermint oil.

Chapter Four - Dietary Guidelines

Jini explains the effect diet can have on your colon. She identifies which foods are known to cause or worsen constipation, which foods can alleviate it, and the two best dietary changes you can make to relieve constipation. She describes the importance and use of a food diary to discover how to customize your diet to your body’s tolerances. Other topics include the role of gluten sensitivity (celiac disease) in constipation, diarrhea, and bowel inflammation; soluble vs insoluble fiber, and the importance of “good fats” in your diet. The chapter closes with an ongoing maintenance diet to ensure good bowel health for the entire family.

Chapter Five - Why You Should Avoid Pharmaceutical Drugs

Jini sees symptoms as messages, and points out that while taking a drug may suppress a symptom and give you temporary relief, you are left with an even bigger problem when the symptom eventually returns (as you have not identified and healed the root cause). You then not only have to deal with the symptom, but also with the damage done to your body by the drug, and with detoxifying from the drug. Learn about the drugs most commonly prescribed to treat chronic constipation, and their possible side effects. Jini coaches you in how to look beyond the symptom or symptoms to learn what message your body is trying to send you.

Chapter Six - Other Strategies and Resources

Listen to Your Colon concludes with a Quick-Action Treatment to help provide you immediate relief from your constipation. Jini also discusses the pros and cons of several other commonly used natural laxatives, including chlorophyll, dandelion leaves, and senna. In closing, Jini provides her readers with a number of resources for further help and information.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Listen to Your Colon

Excellent! Informative. A ton of information - including some information and suggestions I’ve not found anywhere else - that have helped my understanding, helped calm my fears and helped me in very practical ways. Thank you!


Very good. And very helpful

Janet Gordin
Listento your Colon

Extremely good information. I learned so much information which I can use to help me with my constipation.

Really great information

This book is a quick read and easy to understand. It gives hope of healing when the doctor says your condition will only get worse as you age. It’s great to have all these resources in one place. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.