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LTYG Podcast - Up Close with Jini Patel Thompson

Rs. 0.00

If you ever wanted to get to know "the real Jini" here's your chance!

Audio length: 90 minutes

Transcript length: 30 pages

Some of the questions Nicole Paull asks Jini during this very personal and very interesting podcast include:

● How did you develop your healing protocols?

● Everyone wants to make the fastest possible progress on their healing journeys and to support that: What are the most common mistakes you see people make on their healing journeys? That way, you can avoid them!

● What advice can you give for someone who is doing everything they possibly can - including EFT or other emotional healing - and is still not seeing the progress they'd like to see on his or her healing journey?

● At what point do you feel you reached a significant turning point in your health by following your protocols?

● At one time, insurance companies almost universally denied coverage for chiropractic care, whereas now, most of them will pay for it. Do you think we'll ever see the day when other natural healing therapies will be covered by insurance?

● What do I do if I feel the wild oregano oil is too strong for my body?

● I'd like to follow your protocols, but I'm an Engineer and I need more definite, specific guidelines - I'm not comfortable "listening to my gut"

● What can I do for scar tissue, adhesions and blockages?

● What's the best treatment for a vaginal fistula?

● My son's at college and on remicade, is there any point in him taking all the natural supplements at this time?

● And many more!

NOTE: Upon purchase you will be emailed a download link for both the MP3 audio file and the PDF written transcript

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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