I formulated this product for myself, to be perfectly honest! As you may know, I have a bunch of horses so I'm often doing hard labour for 4-6 hours at a stretch. GREAT for staying healthy and vibrant, but, I would often wake up with leg cramps - not so great.
This threw me into a ton of research, because magnesium alone didn't work well enough for this level/intensity of muscle cramp. And it turns out there's a fair amount of research showing that electrolytes or single minerals are not very effective with muscle cramps. There's more research to support the theory that muscle cramps originate with over excited alpha-motoneurons - the nerves that project from the spinal cord to skeletal muscle fibers.
When these motor neurons get hyperactive, they fire off commands for all the connected muscle cells to contract, resulting in a cramp. So how do we get these motor neurons to calm down? By activating TRP channels.
After researching the minerals involved, I formulated Muscle Matrix in atom-sized (nano) form - so by swishing around the mouth and swallowing, the formula is interacting with all the TRP receptors in the mouth, tongue, and esophagus and is absorbed through the mucosal tissue. Many days, this was enough. But on particularly intense labour days (muscle fatigue), I combined Muscle Matrix with Ginger Chews! Because the gingerol in ginger is a powerful TRPA1/TRPV1 agonist and it actually tastes good! Feel free to use fresh ginger if you like.
I hope that helps you understand more of the theory behind the Muscle Matrix formulation. I can tell you that it works way better than just magnesium on its own. I used to bolt awake from a dead sleep with off-the-charts painful cramps from my foot all the way up my calf. Sometimes even my quads got involved. But if I take Muscle Matrix before bed, I sleep without any issues.