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LTYG Podcast - All About Elemental Diets with Jini Patel Thompson

RM0.00 MYR

Get all the inside info on different types of elemental diets, including The IBD Remission Diet, half elemental diet and semi-elemental diet.

Audio Length: 1.5 hours

Transcript Length: 45 pages

Jini Patel Thompson and Nicole Paull answer dozens of people's questions and also outline what you can expect and what's possible with an elemental diet – Jini even tells you who should not go on an elemental diet!

They discuss the most common questions, difficulties, tips and tricks for people wanting to go on an elemental diet. They also discuss viable alternatives to an elemental diet – for people who don't have the money, or the time, or the willpower to do an exclusively elemental liquid diet.


A former journalist, Jini Patel Thompson is an internationally recognized expert on natural healing for colitis, Crohnʼs, diverticulitis and IBS. Her books have sold in over 40 countries. She has appeared repeatedly on radio and TV shows giving hope to those suffering from gastrointestinal disease. Jini is a popular speaker at natural health-related conferences, and her health articles have been published in magazines and journals in the U.S, Australia and the U.K., and on the Internet worldwide. She can be reached at: www.ListenToYourGut.com

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