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LTYG Podcast - EFT for Fertility & Pregnancy Issues with Aileen Nobles

RM0.00 MYR

If you've been having difficulty getting pregnant, or carrying to term, or maybe you're scared that your body is not strong and healthy enough to have a baby - then this is the podcast for you!

Audio Length: 1 hour 20 minutes

Transcript Length: 36 pages

Tap along with psychic EFT practitioner Aileen Nobles and remove some key blocks to getting pregnant, staying pregnant and the perfect time to have a baby. If you're worried about being healthy enough to conceive and care for a child, that concern is addressed too - along with some practical advice from Jini Patel Thompson.

This is a great one to share with family or friends who are struggling with this issue!


Aileen gives workshops privately and for the Learning Annex in California, and consults with clients in person or by telephone around the world. She hosted her own radio show for five years, and her own public access television show for twenty years.

Aileen is featured in the documentary on Alternate Healing for Prostate Cancer, alongside Dr's Bruce Lipton, Mercola, and Gabrielle Cousins. She demonstrates how emotions contribute to our dis-ease. You can contact Aileen at: www.AileenNobles.com

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