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LTYG Podcast - Urban Homesteading with Jen Prosser

RM0.00 MYR

Urban Homesteading - Nicole Paull interviews Jen Prosser


Audio Length: 1.25 hours

Transcript Length: 36 pages, pdf format

There are so many benefits to be enjoyed from Urban Homesteading, not the least of which is affordable organic food of the highest quality. Nicole Paull, who interviews Jen Prosser says, "I believe that nothing - not organic produce from a supermarket, nor even that purchased from a farmer's market or community supported agriculture share - nothing compares to that which you grow, care for, and harvest yourself. The time and care you put in return to bless you abundantly."

Organic gardening is a long-time passion of Nicole's and lets face it, work is easy when it's something you love. But what about those of us who remember gardening only as drudgery? Never fear.

    About Jen Prosser:

    For a number of years, Jen farmed in the Catskills of New York. Last year, she relocated to suburban New Mexico, where she says her goats, chickens, dogs and cats are all enjoying the sunny, dry weather.

    In Jen's own words, "With 98% of the US population living off farm, one of the ways to really increase local farms, local foods and local economies is for people to start their own urban jungle of fruit trees, vegetables and healing herbs. We can't all go 'back to the land,' but we can each do our part to create greenbelts of our cities."

    Jen is an herbalist, urban homesteader, educator and founding member of the Rio Grande Valley Farmer's Guild.

    Note: After purchasing, you will be sent an email with download links for the MP3 audio file and PDF written transcript.

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    365-DAY GUARANTEE: if you purchase this and it is not helpful, you can always email/phone us for a no-questions-asked, 365-day guaranteed refund!

    What's On The Podcast? +

    In this podcast, you will learn:

    An easy and creative way to deal with weeds
    The easiest way to make compost - right where you need it
    Where you really need to invest in your garden - and where you might be gifted with free plants and make new social connections, too
    Which plants are best to use as the backbone of your homestead if you have limited time for maintenance
    Mistakes to avoid when you're just getting started - so you can avoid maintenance nightmares later

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