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BABY FART AEROBICS: And Other Natural Treatments For Colicky Babies - by Jini Patel Thompson


Learn how to treat colic in babies using simple techniques and routines that bowel expert Jini Patel Thompson developed to soothe her own baby with colic. Learn how to treat colic in babies using simple techniques and routines that bowel expert Jini Patel Thompson developed to soothe her own baby with colic. The simple three-step routine relieves symptoms of colic in newborns – no more pain and endless crying!

Testimonials +

"Our daughter would get a colic attack at the same time every night (no matter what we did during the day) and her pain and screaming would go on for hours. The Baby Fart Aerobics routine helped right away, but it took us a few days to get really good at it.and then no more colic attacks! Thank you so much for such a great DVD!"
Lisa J., Montecito

"We were at our wit's end with our son's horrible, non-stop colic when we found your DVD on the Internet. Thank you for saving our lives!! The Baby Fart Aerobics routine is fantastic, but I also found out my son is allergic to dairy when I did the elimination test Jini suggested. So, no more colic and a much healthier, happier baby! P.s. I tried the Udo's Oil as suggested and after one month I noticed my hair is indeed coming in thicker! Thanks for this wealth of information on the DVD."
Catherine Z., North Carolina

"My wife says that especially position on one's shoulder, baby on abdomen, helps a lot to burp, also some exercises. On burping is also goods walking with baby, his back on your abdomen in a sitting position (supporting with your hands). My wife likes the DVD and thanks you very much."
Dalibor J., Celakovice, Czech Republic

"I wish this had been available when my first was born--she was severely colicky due to milk allergies (through my milk) and it took us nearly 4 months to figure out what was going on. There is a lot of great information in the DVD for my students, and my middle daughter (8 y.o.), who is healing from IBD, found the demonstration of the colonic massage helpful. We had talked about it, but seeing Jini actually doing it on her baby helped her understand better how to massage herself."
Dawn O., Midwife, Appleton, Wisconsin

"I have watched the DVD. And I found the most helpful techniques were laying my baby on his side on the sofa as per Jini's instruction and demonstration. Also, my doctor (and I for a while) thought that my son had acid reflux. However, I never knew there were other ways to burp an infant other than patting on the back. Jini's suggestions made post feedings much easier. Thank you Jini!"
Judy K., North Carolina

"I have had time to watch the Baby Fart Aerobics. I loved it. I have tried several of the things on my little girl and they have worked. I thought that the dvd was very informative. Great also that Jini explained the why's and how's. I think it is great. I love the gentle approach and it's worked. Thanks."
Cassie B., Queensland

"Thank you for making this DVD. My 1 month old became colicky at 2 weeks of age and it has been a nightmare. I became hopeless after trying everything out there- including all the classic soothing techniques (sucking, swaddling, swings, etc), visiting our doc weekly, GERD testing, chiropractic help, gripe water/ gas drops...and nothing worked.
As you know it is heart breaking (the worst thing I had ever witnessed) to see your baby in that much pain! My husband and I viewed your DVD last night and after the first segment we tried the first exercise and cried, laughed and hugged with happiness & relief as the first few tries WORKED and she had a blow out of bowel elimination (appeared to be days worth of bowels) and gas immediately!!! She does still appear to be in some pain, but now we know what to keep doing!!"
Beth H., Michigan

"I did use the baby fart aerobics....tummy massage. I was already bicycling her legs but this helped and because of the DVD I made sure to do the routine every couple of hours. I think the biggest thing that helped was the suggestion of ME taking the probiotics. I had her on baby probiotics but it was difficult to get her to swallow all of it. When I started taking her to the chiropractor, taking the right dose of probiotics, and the tummy massage throughout the day my baby started to turn a corner with the colic. I wished I had known about the probiotics with my last baby!!! Thanks!"
Janna B., New York

"Some of the exercises are definitely helpful, and I am glad we got it. Thank you again for taking the interest to check back with me. Most appreciated…"
Sean W., Snohomish, Washington

"I bought the Baby Fart Aerobics DVD to have on hand. My daughter had colic, but is now 31 years old. I wish the info had been available then. It was horrible. Thank you so much for doing the DVD. I wanted to get it while it was so easily available. Such information is very precious to me."
Joan E., Tyler, Texas

"I have four children and I sure wish I had this DVD when they were babies! As it is, I still learned new, useful things from this DVD. It's the best DVD I've seen in 15 years in the business. Very impressive."
Sharon Dean, National Children's Book/CD/DVD Distributor

"We used the techniques in this DVD when my newest grandson developed colic and they worked really well. He was soon back to normal."
Linda K., Midwife, Vancouver, BC

"Check out Jini Patel Thompson's DVD for natural ways to heal your baby's colic - and yes, that is its real title!"
Parents Magazine, March 2006

Guarantee +

365-DAY GUARANTEE: if you purchase this and it is not helpful, you can always email/phone us for a no-questions-asked, 365-day guaranteed refund!

What's On The DVD? +

DVD Menu Options

1) Baby Fart Aerobics Routine
Colonic massage
Hip rocking
Pelvic loosening
Dangling stretch

2) Craniosacral Therapy
Demonstration and interview

3) Burping Techniques
Side-lying technique for babies who fall asleep while nursing

4) Pelvic and Lower Back Loosening and Massage

5) A Hot Bath Relaxes The Bowel
How to do Baby Fart Aerobics in the bath

6) Breastfeeding and The Infant Gut
Allergens and irritants to baby’s gut
Importance of probiotics
Immune support while sick or travelling
Effect of emotions on the gut
Natural disposable diapers

7) Help For the Postpartum Mother
Irritability and depression
Hair loss
Rectal fissures and hemorrhoids
Natural birth control

Jini gives you all the information you need to determine what's causing excessive gas in your baby, how to reduce the amount of gas being produced, and then how to release that trapped gas and stool from your baby's intestines. Jini demonstrates the massage and manipulation techniques on her 8-week-old daughter throughout this video.

**Available as a physical DVD or Digital video online & to download**

If you purchase the physical DVD you will also be sent access to the digital version.

This 80-minute instructional video includes techniques for relieving bowel gas and trapped stool, also effective positions for esophageal gas (burping), dietary considerations, probiotic therapy and various postpartum tools for Mom too.

This video contains all of the information you need to determine what's causing excessive gas in your baby, reduce the amount of gas he or she produces, and release trapped gas and stool from your baby's intestines. When your baby's bowel is cleared of trapped gas and stool, it no longer hurts!

The core routine for loosening the pelvis/bowel and facilitating the passage of stool and gas, consists of three simple steps, combined with colonic massage. When Jini performed this sequence with her first baby, Oscar, he soon began farting (and pooping) regularly during the technique, leading her to laughingly call the routine: Baby Fart Aerobics! She’ll teach you this same routine to use with your baby, to relieve the pain and crying from colic. Jini demonstrates the massage and manipulation techniques on her 8-week-old daughter, Zara, throughout this video.

This routine consists of colonic massage, pelvic loosening movements, and abdominal stretching - to relieve and release baby's trapped gas and stool. In no time at all, you'll be doing the routine on your baby and listening with glee as the farts and poop come streaming out. Because remember: No trapped gas or stool = no colic!

"My husband and I viewed your DVD last night and after the first segment we tried the first exercise and cried, laughed and hugged with happiness & relief as the first few tries WORKED and she had a blow out of bowel elimination (appeared to be days worth of bowels) and gas immediately!!!" - Beth H., Michigan

Jini also covers a range of other factors that may be affecting your baby’s digestive system, including:

  • How to determine if your baby has a bowel blockage or intestinal obstruction and how to release them – includes a live demo with a certified Craniosacral Therapist.
  • Potential irritants and allergens transmitted through breastmilk – top foods to watch out for and an easy testing method to determine if a food is irritating your baby's gut.
  • Probiotics (good bacteria) for mother and baby - how to supplement your baby with top quality probiotics (good bacteria for the gut), to ensure baby has a healthy gut flora and thus is able to digest food properly and minimize gas production. Whether your baby tends towards constipation, or diarrhea, probiotics will normalize bowel function (and provide a host of other health benefits). But you must never give a baby adult probiotics! So, Jini shows you exactly which brand and species of good bacteria are safe for babies.
  • Gentle burping techniques to reduce the amount of spit-up and projectile vomiting – And if you have a baby that wakes up again every time you burp him, I'll show you a position you can have him lie in, that will help him to burp and fart while staying asleep - therefore you don't have to risk waking him up by trying to burp him! You just breastfeed him, and when he's asleep, lay him down in this position.
  • How to use a nice hot bath to relax even the most rigid bowel and give your baby instant relief. Yes, you can take even a 2-day-old baby in the bath - Jini demonstrates how with her newborn daughter Zara.
  • Bonus: help for common postpartum problems like hair loss, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, irritability/depression and difficulty getting good nutrition during this stressful time.

"We were at our wit's end with our son's horrible, non-stop colic when we found your DVD on the Internet. Thank you for saving our lives!! The Baby Fart Aerobics routine is fantastic, but I also found out my son is allergic to dairy when I did the elimination test Jini suggested. So, no more colic and a much healthier, happier baby! P.s. I tried the Udo's Oil as suggested and after one month I noticed my hair is indeed coming in thicker! Thanks for this wealth of information on the DVD." - Catherine Z., North Carolina

All this and more in a friendly, easy-to-understand manner. You’ll be able to see very clearly how to hold and handle your own newborn with ease through the techniques, as Jini demonstrates everything on her newborn daughter, Zara.

MUST-HAVE for every parent with a colicky baby. And a valuable resource for every parent of a newborn.


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Bianca Castaneda

I'm grateful to have received this DVD to help my newborn baby along with all the flatulence that comes along with coming into the world, lol!
Helping him feel better is really a gift♡