*This item is not available for purchase to customers in Japan using PayPal.
TriEnza® provides digestive support for a broad range of foods.
The unique blend of enzymes in TriEnza break down foods to help prevent occasional digestive discomfort from food intolerances.
The enzymes in TriEnza offer support for:
- Food proteins
- Gluten
- Casein in dairy
- Carbohydrates
- Sugars
- Lactose
- Polyphenolic vegetables and fruits
- Fats in foods and supplements
- Fiber†
TriEnza was specially formulated for your dietary needs by biochemist Devin Houston, Ph.D.
Who should use TriEnza?
If you need support for digestion of multiple types of foods, try TriEnza.†
What's new & improved with TriEnza?
As of April 17, 2023 we've made a few updates to the TriEnza 180 count formula to bring you even better support for digesting a range of foods. The same changes will be made to the 90 count, 60 count, powder, and chewable versions within the coming weeks.
The changes we made to TriEnza 180:
- Removed Cellulase and Glucanase enzymes.
Recent research indicates that cellulose fiber plays an important role in the development and maturation of the gut microbiome. Dietary cellulose induces cellular anti-inflammatory mechanisms from the gut bacteria. Perhaps that is why humans do not produce cellulase enzyme. Breakdown of cellulose by supplemental cellulase removes the benefits to the gut bacteria and also produces higher glucose levels in the small intestine. With these new health benefits of cellulose revealed, we feel it best to remove cellulase from ALL of our enzyme products.
Glucans have much research backing their benefits to heart health. We feel it best not to negate those effects by adding an enzyme that breaks down glucans, so glucanase will be removed from our products as well.
One fiber that should be broken down early in digestion is xylan which is found as a supporting structure in plant cell walls. Xylanase breaks down xylans into xylose sugar which is not absorbed in the human gut and so does not have a glycemic contribution. Xylans are the structures that tie cellulose fibers together, if we break down xylans, the cellulose fibers are released and can then contact the gut bacteria in a beneficial manner. Houston Enzymes one of the few companies to use xylanase in high amounts, because it also contains side activities helpful in assimilating polyphenols. Other companies do not use near the level of xylanase we do because of its high cost.
2. Increased amounts of lactase, invertase, and lipase.
With more room available in the capsule, we slightly increased the activities of lipase, lactase, and invertase to better help with sugar and fat digestion and lactose intolerance.
3. Added Alpha-Galactosidase.
We felt TriEnza needed more help with reducing the gassiness produced by beans, broccoli, cauliflower and other veggies, so we added alpha-galactosidase back into the formula.
4. No increase in cost to you!
All these changes make TriEnza 180 a better product, but we also kept the price to our customers at the current level. Compared to other companies, our products are a bargain!
Contraindications for Enzyme Supplementation
These enzymes should be used with care in cases of active stomach or duodenal ulcers, severe bowel inflammation (characterized by blood in stools), hemophilia and other bleeding disorders, or within a week of scheduled surgery. This product may not be appropriate for those with known allergies to Aspergillus enzyme proteins, though non-specific mold allergies do not necessarily preclude use of fungal enzymes. Consult your medical doctor for further advice, and err on the side of caution. Those with known anaphylactic allergic reactions to fungal proteins should NOT ingest fungal-derived enzymes.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.