You can customize it to whatever your body needs at this moment in time. Jini's soothing recorded voice takes you into meditative (deeply relaxed) state and then you proceed to visualize whatever you wish - depending on what you want to heal.
Once Jini has led you into a deeply relaxed state (Theta brainwave state) you then visualize whatever you wish, letting your body and inutition guide you - the recording carries on during this time with either silence or mellow, relaxing music.
You can choose whether you want your meditation to fade into silence, or 30 minutes of soothing music set to ocean waves. You will receive BOTH the MP3 audio download links - one with music and one without music.
No Music: 6 minutes + 30 minutes of silence
With Music: 36 minutes
Do this healing meditation every night before you go to sleep, or perhaps during your quiet time in the daytime, for whatever needs healing in your body. Do it often, until the neural pathways have been reinforced to the point where you see the change in your physical body. An added bonus will be the deep physical relaxation your whole body will receive by relaxing into deep meditative state every day.
Download this meditation and give it a go for whatever ails you...
Warning: Do not play this meditation while driving, or doing anything other than lying down.
Original music: Cloud Wings (c) 2004 Steve Martin. All Rights Reserved.
Meditation: (c) 2010 Jini Patel Thompson. All Rights Resrved.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Customer Feedback:
"I love it...very belly is so stressed .....!"
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