Jini's Natural Healing Guide: Anal Stenosis & Stricture - by Jini Patel Thompson
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Length: 45 pages, 8.5"x 11"
When inflammation has been present for a long time in the rectum or anal canal, it sometimes causes scarring (fibrosis). Repeated ulceration and healing (often from proctitis) can also result in scar tissue. Surgical procedures for hemorrhoids, skin tags, anal dilation, sphincterectomy, etc. all cause scar tissue as the body heals the wound. Scar tissue is not as flexible as healthy tissue and the gradual build-up and thickening of scar tissue can narrow and constrict the rectal or anal canal, resulting in a stricture.
Sometimes this narrowing (anal stenosis or rectal stenosis) comes on very gradually, so you think you are constipated, rather than realizing there is a physical obstruction of scar tissue blocking your stool from coming out. Then of course, as you strain and push to get the stool out, this can cause more tearing (and as it heals, more scar tissue) along with hemorrhoids, strained rectal and anal muscles, spasm and aggravated nerves. The pudendal nerve branches like tree roots all throughout the levator ani muscles and can become trapped or aggravated. Rectal spasming (cramping) and aggravated nerves will then constrict your rectum even further.
The great news is that Jini's innovative protocol for healing (dissolving) scar tissue in the rectal and anal canal has worked for herself and many others. This natural remedy uses powerful healing substances like DMSO, potassium iodide, aloe vera and colloidal silver. As you know, Jini tests all remedies on herself first, then family members and friends, then LTYG Wellness Circle members and then she opens it up to her larger pool of readers.
In this book Jini gives you all the details of how this protocol worked so well for her own 23-year-old scar tissue, plus one of her readers named Monica (name changed for privacy) who had a severe stricture in her anal canal. Monica had her healing confirmed with a colonoscopy where her doctor said, “If I hadn’t been your doctor all along and seen your stricture for myself, I would never believe you had a stricture – the tissue is completely normal and there is absolutely no indication of where the stricture was.”
Of course, not everyone experiences the same results as Monica or Jini, but most readers report being helped to some degree by the protocol.
Note: If you suffer from strictures in your small or large intestine, Jini has a separate natural healing remedy for that called Intestinal StrictureHeal (see Jini's Natural Healing Guide: Intestinal Strictures) – so use that one instead. Or use both if you have strictures in your rectum and intestines.
Warning: This protocol is classed as "experimental" because DMSO is not approved for this usage. Please follow your own gut regarding implementation and consult your physician for guidance.
Jini's Natural Healing Guide: Anal Stenosis & Stricture Table Of Contents
My Story
How Monica Used StrictureHeal
Components of Rectal StrictureHeal
Have Easier Bowel Movements
Anal or Rectal Scar Tissue Formula & Protocol
Products Needed for a 90-Day Supply of Rectal StrictureHeal
Rectal StrictureHeal – 20% Formula
Dosage Instructions
Rectal StrictureHeal – 30% and 40% Formulas
Bodywork Therapy
Remedies For Rectal Spasm or Cramping
Apply Counter-Pressure and Massage Lightly
Vaginal Counter-Pressure
Perianal Counter-Pressure
Apply a Hot Castor Oil Pack to Rectal Muscles
Take A Hot Magnesium Bath
Which Natural Muscle Relaxant Remedy Should I Use?
How's Your Peristalsis?
Address the Root Cause
Straining to defecate, improper defecation position or constipation
Repeated anal or rectal fissures
Trauma to the rectum
Weak blood vessels
Irritation from chronic diarrhea
Proctitis or other rectal Infection
Jiniʼs Wild Oregano Syringing Protocol for Proctitis
Notes and Ordering
About the Author
DISCLAIMER: Jini Patel Thompson is a health writer and consumer advocate. She is not a registered health professional nor doctor of any sort. The information in this eBook or on this webpage is simply her own personal opinion. This eBook and website (including any/all site pages, blog posts, blog comments, forum, videos, audio recordings, etc.) is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information is provided for informational purposed only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use the information in this eBook or on this website for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have an urgent medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. Any application of the recommendations in this eBook or on this website is at the reader's discretion. Jini Patel Thompson and Listen To Your Gut Enterprises Inc. are not liable for any direct or indirect claim, loss or damage resulting from use of this eBook or website and/or any web site(s) linked to/from it. Readers should consult their own physicians concerning the recommendations in this website.